Session 1
Hands 601
Time 1 hour 1 minutes
WR - 1.58
Money - 0.19
Blinds 0.02
Didn't feel like at all to play = pushed myself to play. First 200 hands did loose one and half stack- rest of session did fight to get it back. Just couldn't put myself together. Got to do some exercises before next session - mind is somewhere else
Session 2
Hands 402
Time 50 minutes
WR + 13.43
Money + 1.08
Blinds 0.02
Of course = no exercises = just laying on couch for another session. How sad and lazy this sounds :(.
Anyway, after loosing two times on row sets versus sets went back to two tables ( started with 3) and did sit up. Managed to win my chipps back and keep red line up. Not happy with myself...
Session 3
Hands 407
Time 43 minutes
WR + 30.84
Money + 2.51
Blinds 0.02
Session 4
Hands 103
Time 25 minutes
WR + 32.43
Money + 3.43
Blinds 0.10
Started tournament and just to keep myself bit more focused took one table cash game on side.
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