Session 1
Hands 953
Time 1 hour 50 minutes
WR + 8. 52
Money + 1.70
Blinds 0.02
After loosing 3 stacks with first 200 hands (not bad beats - just very loose opening and very passive game) went back to 2 tables (started with 3). Did fight back my stacks 1 and half hour :). Sometimes I just can't believe anymore how much I am willing to loose to be able learn thing or two. Why can't I do things I am writing in blog? How many hands it will take to get enough ? Do I play for spending time or make something out of it?
Session 2
Hands 405
Time 45 minutes
WR + 29.51
Money + 2.39
Blinds 0.02
Session 3
Hands 452
Time 1 hour 50 minutes
WR + 4.42
Money + 1.00
Blinds 0.05
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