Thursday, 1 February 2018


Hands     45 930                     VPIP  19.3
Time       97 hours 33 min      PFR    12.7
WR         - 2.83                      3 bet    4.3
Money    - 26.11                    Aggr    1.50  Aggr%  30.2

I;m pretty happy with my performance...Attendance to ''work'' was OK. Did manage more then 40000 hands (that' is goal for every month), but...
Like You see higher goes none Showdown winnings line  (RED LINE) = lower goes money line. I'm doing something wrong with my aggression. Probably will need keep down preflop aggression and think about ways increase it on flop or later streets. Will work on that next month. Over all I think (on this moment) I am able to win but not win continuously. Good days and bad days :). Patient, routine tolerance and respect to money ( I'm fighting over couple pennies/ it is hard to take it seriously) are most hard to keep under control right now.