Monday, 25 June 2018

Focus Points for this week . Turn play, different play lines

Turn play, different play lines

IP Line – bet- bet -call (bluff catcher) = versus players who are capable bluff in given situation (Board texture) = check their river lines and WTSD %, W$SD
= versus players whom post flop play is very aggressive.
Check their Cbet activity – higher it is more You can use
this line

IP Line – bet – bet -call (setting up for river value bet) = If You actually have hand

IP Line – check call, check call = Count You odds = Control the pot Flop and Turn. What is You holdings? Are You in EV+ ?

OOP line – check check, check check = You are inducing bet from opponent. NEVER against aggressive player. Do You want opponent to see next card? How many cards are helping them?Is it helping You? Board texture. Check their turn stats. Can You force them to fold by betting? Is it better fold fold for Yourself?
OOP line – bet call, bet call = NEVER use this line versus passive player. You are better off by betting first. Only versus hyper aggressive player (bluff catcher or setting up for river value bet) if You actually have hand

Turn line Bet/ fold with marginal hand vs passive player. PASSIVE PLAYER IS PASSIVE FOR REASON


Tighten up pre flop range (consider more carefully hands You like to fight seriously) or just look forward to play next hand. There is always next hand coming up You might be better off

Positional play

CO You are IP. Do not call with small suited connectors – 3 bet or fold
EP You are OOP – mostly players will raise EP raiser with top hands. Check the player stats and ONLY fold or 3 bet

Sunday, 17 June 2018

Focus Points for next week

An other loosing week - so tired about this. Made lots of mistakes and played then too tired. Hmm....
Excuses excuses...and one more time excuses...


PASSIVE PLAY - mostly calling down three streets.

CALL or FOLD vs  Passive player = no reason to let them see next card and hit the hand. Should play much more focused and bet more often. Bet on flop or turn but not three streets. Some of them are big time slow players and don't bet even nuts. If there is resistant go ahead and call if there is reason (You have hand or draw - count You odds) or fold. REMEMBER = PASSIVE PLAYER IS PASSIVE FOR REASON

CALL or BET vs Aggressive player = play against if table has draw(s). Should play only  like bluff catcher. Hoping he/she will bet by themselves till ''dead''. Count You odds and check situation

RAISED with TOP PAIR - You have TP or any marginal hand and You are not sure what to do next

CALL Flop             vs Aggressive player if board includes draws.
            Turn IP      - Decide if You would like to go showdown with this hand.
                      OOP - bet/fold never check/call
CALL or FOLD vs  Passive player = no reason to let them see next card and hit the hand
                                    REMEMBER = PASSIVE PLAYER IS PASSIVE FOR REASON

Thursday, 14 June 2018

May Results

Hands   48 740                                            VPIP  18.1    3 bet   3.32
Time      4 907 minutes (82 hours approx)  PFR    11.8     Aggr   1.39   29.6%
Money  - 24.68   
WR       -   0.94                                 

April Results

Hands   37 300                                             VPIP  16.8     3 bet   3.0
Time      3 425 minutes (58 hours approx)  PFR    10.9     Aggr   1.24   26,3%
Money  - 10.30   
WR       -   1.38                                 

200 days left....

OK....I am back. Not with very big hopes but still. Did take easy last couple months. Managed to be in winning stake but at the end of the month back to losing even more. Did join gym last month...will try eat healthy...More and more it coming to me - it is not how I play (I think I can do ok), but how I feel during session mentally and physically. Then I started this blog I was able to win at the end f the month but not any more More I studied and just tried to play ''right'' more did I loose and it took over with frustration I think.

 Still have 200 days left this year to make difference. Will give it my best :)