Session 1, LEVEL 1
Hands 238
Time 0 hour 34 minute
WR + 24.9
Money + 1.40
Moving up to level 2
Session 2, LEVEL 2
Hands 276
Time 0 hour 32 minute
WR + 32.7
Money + 4.51
Session 3, LEVEL 2
Hands 408
Time 0 hour 51 minutes
WR + 4
Money + 0.82
Session 4, LEVEL 2
Hands 699
Time 1 hour 39 minutes
WR + 3.9
Money + 1.46
Session 4, LEVEL 2
Hands 2564
Time 6 hour 50 minutes
WR - 20.05
Money - 26.63
Back to level 1
Went down big and didn't follow my rules again. AA and KK did crack so many times that I didn't play them at the end anymore.
Started to make money back and this battle was lost at the beginning. Did waste my time for nothing.
WEEK 3 - 34.59 (+ 5.41) 5 731 (+ 731) Deposit $40
Thanks admin for sharing this informative post.</